New Zealand has been a fantastic country and my favourite by a long way, if only it was nearer the UK and my bambinos it would be perfect. But all good things come to an end and I have headed back to Malaysia. The delights of the famous
Petronas Parry towers were still waiting in KL for me and a couple of quick nights in the city reminded me of what a cool place it is. In a lot of ways it's good to be back in the choas that is Asia. A very short flight along the coast has bought me to the holiday island of Langkawi. Shortly after arriving here I learnt of the horrific earthquake in Christchurch and my heart goes out to the people there. It feels so strange to have pictures of buildings which are no longer there, in particular the catherdral where it seems so many have lost their lives.
Sunset on Cenang beach |
The biggest jelly fish I have ever seen! It was like a dustbin lid. |
and another one... |
just one more.. |
8.30 at night and the beach is packed. |
Langkawi is a nice mix of budget hotels and top range exclusive resorts. I have opted for something in the middle being a humble backpacker. I have spoken to some of the guests in the top resorts and they have paid 20 times more than I have a night! I didn't tell them that though when I used their running track and sneaked into their swimming pool! Just mingle in and look like you belong, that's my advice. As much as I like a hint of danger swimming in the ocean here is just too risky for me. The amount of jellyfish is amazing and although the locals like to keep it quiet a swedish tourist died very recently from a sting. I counted over 50 washed up on the beach yesterday. So I've watched as other people go in but it's definately not for me.
I'm heading inland to the jungle tomorrow for my final few days of travel before heading home via KL of course for another look at my towers.