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Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Able Tasmen and Auckland

Would love to say I stayed on here!

Things got a bit strange on the sculpture walk!

Still strange

I ordered a large cappucino and this happened

Just in case the Kiwis count in minutes

To cap off a strange day this appeared in Auckland Harbour

We arrived in Able Tasmen national park after a hilly/mountainous bike ride to camp at Old McDonalds farm in Marahau. The bike ride was amongst the most scenic we’ve done and the national park looks absolutely stunning. It is rated as one of the most scenic places in New Zealand and it’s very easy to see why. For some strange reason I opted the next day to catch a water taxi 25k up the coast and run back along the undulating coastal footpath. The views on the route were fantastic, so good I had to stop and look for a few minutes. Nothing to do with the fact I was tired! I feel I’ve said this about every place I’ve visited on the South Island but it really is stunning. After a more relaxing afternoon we all ventured out for our last group meal in the local bar. Much better than running. A return journey on the ferry between Picton and Wellington bought us back to the North Island. Having spent most of the voyage feeling sea sick I was glad to reach solid ground and relax in the hostel in Wellington. A couple of long days travelling and I arrived back in Auckland, a place which now seems very familiar. The Flying Kiwi trip was on the whole very good, as always I’ve meet some great people and visited some brilliant places. I’ve cycled and ran up more hills than I knew existed, seen skies and seas so blue they feel unreal and seen more natural wonders than I could ever imagine.

In Auckland I have met up again with fellow Odyssey travellers, Roberta,Katie and Taylor. It was great to chat and swap stories of our different adventures over the last two/three months. The only trouble is with meeting Roberta again is she likes the cultural side more than me and so dragged me around Waiheke Island to see some outdoor sculptures. All very deep and meaningful unless you don’t really get it, which I don’t. After speeding past the cultural people who were studying and analysing each sculpture in depth we found the tea bar. Excellent, I know where I am with a cup of English breakfast, no analysis required. The island is very quiet and relaxing and I have planned to stay for a few days soon once I have visited even more fellow travellers, Barry and Pauline.

Some nice roses for my twinnie Susan x   I actually visited the botanical gardens in Wellington but don't intend to make a habit of it.

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